Commercial vehicle

Commercial vehicle
6/12/17 11:20 पूर्वाह्न
Dear Sir
on portal commercial vehicle insurance not renew.
no change underwriting discount
no change package policy to liability policy( comprehencive to TP)
+1 (1 वोट)

RE: Commercial vehicle
16/11/17 10:30 पूर्वाह्न as a reply to J P SHUKLA.
yes there should be no any kind of these faclity provide to us bcoz.. in commercial vehcile we all know we required some more disounts which could be required apovvels from Do to Ro so these facility could not provide to us . As we hope in future they were also provide u these type of facility to made businuss to strong....
+1 (1 वोट)

RE: Commercial vehicle
22/11/17 10:29 पूर्वाह्न as a reply to AMAN KHANDELWAL.
But if the previous year policy contains 50% IMT Disc., for example, then on renewal the Discount should be continiued apart from the process of renewal done directly from the office or through portal.
+1 (1 वोट)

RE: Commercial vehicle
1/12/17 9:19 पूर्वाह्न as a reply to AMAN KHANDELWAL.
Dear Khandelwalji
Thanks for update
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